

Getting your HSPT Golden Rainbow order delivered straight to your door is our main priority. We will try everything to make sure that your order gets to you in time.

You will receive a dispatch email, which will include your address information  and a full list of items shipped within your order. Please keep this dispatch email safe as it will need to be referenced if you would like to return anything.

Once you receive your order, we really hope you enjoy using our products.

Orders can only be placed ONLINE. Please note that shipping is from Germany. Shipping to France, the UK or Switzerland is not possible. 

Please refer to the following list for the corresponding shipping costs for your order:

Shipping Rates:

Order Value Germany  EU
€ 0,01 - € 49,99 € 6,95 € 9,95
€ 50,00 and over  € 9,95 € 15,00

Please note: our delivery charges do not include any expenses for customs duty. HSPT Golden Rainbow is not responsible for any additional charges; these expenses are the responsibility of the customer.

Still have a delivery query?
Email us at